There is a bus stop outside the surgery.
There is limited timed parking outside the surgery.
We have a loop system available in both reception area and consulting rooms. Just ask at Reception.
There is suitable access for disabled patients by ramp and ground floor toilet provision. Provision for consultation with a G.P. on the ground floor is an option available to all patients who experience difficulties with climbing the stairs. The reception staff will only be too pleased to assist you with your requests.
The Accessible Information standard of July 2016 aims to ensure that everyone is communicated to in a way that’s suits them. If you have any communication or information needs relating to a disability, impairment or sensory loss please inform the Practice.
If you have experience of this GP Practice and wish to leave feedback on the Care Quality Commission website, then please click on the link below. It will be stored on a central database available to CQC Inspectors.